Douglas E. Oakman
Publications 19771998
Pacific Lutheran University
Tacoma, Washington
(Edited by Dr. K. C. Hanson)
(With K. C. Hanson). Palestine in the Time
of Jesus: Social Structures Social Conflicts. Minneapolis: Fortress,
[Forthcoming, May 1998].
Jesus and the Economic Questions of His
Day. Studies in the Bible and Early Christianity, 8. Lewiston, NY:
Edwin Mellen, 1986.
"Marginality in the Biblical Witness." Prism:
Pacific Lutheran University Humanities Magazine 10 (Spring
"The Humanities in the Information Age: Educating
for Virtuous or Virtual Reality?" Prism: Pacific Lutheran University
Humanities Magazine 7,1-2 (Spring 1994):??.
"The Ancient Economy and St. John's Apocalypse."
Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture 28 (1993):200-214.
"Cursing Fig Trees and Robbers' Dens (Mark
11:12-25): Pronouncement Stories Within Social-Systemic Perspective."
Semeia 64 (1993):??.
"Was Jesus a Peasant? Implications for Reading the
Samaritan Story (Luke 10:30-35)," Biblical Theology Bulletin 22
"The Ancient Economy in the Bible: BTB Readers
Guide." Biblical Theology Bulletin 21 (1991):34-39.
"Rulers' Houses, Thieves, and Usurpers: The
Beelzebul Pericope." Forum 4,3 (1989):109-23.
"The Buying Power of Two Denarii: A Comment on
Luke 10:35." Forum 3,4 (1987):33-38.
"Galilee." In Eerdmans Bible Dictionary.
D. N. Freedman and A. C. Myers, eds. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans,
(forthcoming, 1998).
"Models and Archaeology in the Social
Interpretation of Jesus." In R. A. Horsley and J. A. Overman, eds. Valley
Forge, PA: Trinity Press International, (forthcoming, 1998).
"The Ancient Economy." In The Social Sciences
and New Testament Interpretation, 126-43. R. L. Rohrbaugh, ed.
Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1996.
"The Archaeology of First-Century Galilee and the
Social Interpretation of the Historical Jesus." In SBL 1994 Seminar
Papers, ??. Atlanta: Scholars, 1994.
Articles in Biblical Social Values and Their
Meaning: A Handbook. J. J. Pilch and B. J. Malina, eds. Peabody, MA:
Hendrickson, 1993:
- "Purposiveness/End Orientation" (153-55)
- "Self-sufficiency" (159-60)
"The Countryside in Luke-Acts." In The Social
World of Luke-Acts, 151-79. J. H. Neyrey, ed. Peabody, MA:
Hendrickson, 1991.
"Jesus and Agrarian Palestine: The Factor of
Debt." In SBL 1985 Seminar Papers, 57-73. Chico, CA: Scholars,
Review of: Stephen Engstrom and Jennifer Whiting,
Aristotle, Kant, and the Stoics: Rethinking Happiness and Duty. In
Religious Studies Review (forthcoming).
Review of: Günter Stemberger, Jewish
Contemporaries of Jesus. In Catholic Biblical Quarterly
Review of: Philip F. Esler, Modelling Early
Christianity: Social-Scientific Studies of the New Testament in Its
Context. In Toronto Journal of Theology (forthcoming).
Review of: M. R. Wright, Cosmology in
Antiquity. In Religious Studies Review 23 (1997):??.
Review of: John H. Elliott, What Is
Social-Scientific Criticism? In Biblical Theology Bulletin 26
Review of: K. J. Dover, Greek Popular Morality
in the Time of Plato and Aristotle. In Religious Studies Review
22 (1996):??.
Review of: B. Inwood and L. P. Gerson,
Epicurus Reader. In Religious Studies Review 21
Review of: William James Booth, Households:
The Moral Architecture of Economy. In Religious Studies Review
21 (1995):??.
Review of: Bruce Malina and Richard Rohrbaugh,
Social-Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels. In Toronto
Journal of Theology 10 (1994):??.
Review of: Jonathan Price, Jerusalem Under
Siege: The Collapse of the Jewish State 66-70 C.E. In Religious
Studies Review 20 (1994):??.
"Review of: Piet van Staden,
CompassionThe Essence of Life (Periodical Section of the
Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika, 1991) in Skrif en Kerk 14,1
Review of: David Fiensy, The Social History of
Palestine in the Herodian Period. In Religious Studies Review
19 (1993):??.
Review of: David Gowler, Host, Guest, Enemy,
and Friend: Portraits of the Pharisees in Luke and Acts. In Toronto
Journal of Theology (1993):??.
Review of: Ramsay MacMullen and Eugene Lane,
Paganism and Christianity 100-425 C.E.: A Sourcebook. In
Religious Studies Review 19 (1993):??.
Review of: John Dillon and Jackson Hershbell,
Iamblichus, On the Pythagorean Way of Life: Text, Translation, and
Notes. In Religious Studies Review 19 (1993):??.
Review of: Tim Parkin, Demography and Roman
Society. In Religious Studies Review 19 (1993):??.
Review of: Fritz Herrenbrck, Jesus und die
Zöllner. In Catholic Biblical Quarterly 55 (1993):??.
Review of: Helmut Schwier, Tempel und
Tempelzerstörung. In Catholic Biblical Quarterly 54
Review of: Robert B. Coote and Mary P. Coote,
Power, Politics, and the Making of the Bible: An Introduction. In
Biblical Theology Bulletin 21 (1991):??.
Review of: Mark Griffith and Donald Mastronarde,
Cabinet of the Muses: Essays on Classical and Comparative Literature in
Honor of Thomas G. Rosenmeyer." In Religious Studies Review 17
Review of: Gerd Theissen, Lokalkolorit und
Zeitgeschichte in den Evangelien. In Catholic Biblical
Quarterly 53 (1991):??.
Review of: G. E. R. Lloyd, Demystifying
Mentalities. In Religious Studies Review 20 (1991):??.
Review of: Josiah Ober, Mass and Elite in
Democratic Athens. In Religious Studies Review 17 (1991):??.
Review of: John Alexander, Your Money or Your
Life: A New Look at Jesus' View of Wealth and Power and Redmond
Mullin, The Wealth of Christians. In Pacific Theological
Review 24 (1991):??.
Review of: Halvor Moxnes, The Economy of the
Kingdom: Social Conflict and Economic Relations in Luke's Gospel. In
Biblical Theology Bulletin 20 (1990):??.
Review of: Martin Goodman, State and Society in
Roman Galilee, A.D. 132-212. In Pacific Theological Review 19
Review of: G. E. M. de Ste. Croix, The Class
Struggle in the Ancient Greek World and John D. Crossan, The
Aphorisms of Jesus. In Pacific Theological Review 18
Review of: Robert Hammerton-Kelly, God the
Father and Richard Lischer, Marx and Teilhard: Two Ways to a New
Humanity (Orbis, 1979) in Currents in Theology and
Mission 8,1 (1981):??.
Review of: Brian Hebblethwaite, Evil, Suffering
and Religion. In Currents in Theology and Mission 4,4
Last modified: 14 February 1998
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