Dietmar Neufeld
Publications 19891997
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia
(Edited by Dr. K. C. Hanson)
Reconceiving Texts as Speech Acts: An
Analysis of I John. Leiden: Brill, 1994.
"Eating, Ecstasy and Exorcism: A Social
Scientific Approach." Biblical Theology Bulletin 26
"Acts of Admonition and Rebuke: A Speech-Act
Approach to I Corinthians 6:1-11." Biblical Interpretation
[Forthcoming, 1997].
"And When that one Comes: Aspects of Johannine
Messianism." In Eschatology, Messianism and the Dead Sea Scrolls,
120-40. P. Flint and M. Abegg, eds. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997.
"Jesus and Apocalypticism: Context." In Whose
Historical Jesus? 212-14. W. Arnal and M. Desjardins, eds. Studies in
Christianity and Judaism/Étude sur le christianisme et le judaïsme.
Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, 1997.
Review: Joseph Kotva, Jr., Scripture, Ethics,
and the Local Church: Homosexuality as a case Study.
In Conrad Grebel Review 7 (1989):181-84.
Review: D. Moody Smith, First, Second, and
Third John. In Catholic Biblical Quarterly 55
Review: Margaret Davies, Rhetoric and Reference
in the Fourth Gospel. In Catholic Biblical Quarterly 56
Review: Willard M. Swartley, ed. The Love of
Enemy and Nonretaliation in the New Testament. In Conrad Grebel
Review 11 (1993):289-94.
Review: David Alan Black, ed., Linguistics and
New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Discourse Analysis. In
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 56 (1994):817-18.
Review: N.T. Wright, Who Was Jesus? In
Critical Review of Books in Religion (1995):325-27. Atlanta, GA:
Review: John Painter, The Quest for the
Messiah: The History , Literature and Theology of the Johannine
Community. 2nd ed. In Catholic Biblical Quarterly 57
Review: Dorothy A. Lee, The Symbolic Narratives
of the Fourth Gospel: The Interplay of Form and Meaning. In
Journal of Biblical Literature ?? (1995):243-45.
Review: Francis Watson, Text, Church and World:
Biblical Interpretation in Theological Perspective. In Catholic
Biblical Quarterly 58 (1996):366-68.
Review: Sean McEvenue, Interpretation and the
Bible: Essays on Truth in Literature. In Studies in Religion
25 (1996):131.
Review: A. K. M. Adam, What is Postmodern
Biblical Criticism. In Catholic Biblical Quarterly
58 (1996):??
Review: David Wenham, Paul: Follower of Jesus
or Founder of Christianity? In Biblical Interpretation,
Review: Charles Spiq, Theological Lexicon of
the New Testament. 3 Vols. In Biblical Interpretation 1996
Review: David J. Hawkin, The Johannine
World. In Studies in Religion (forthcoming).
Review: Christina Hoegen-Rohls, Der
nachösterliche Johannes: Die Abschiedsreden als hermeneutischer Schlüssel
zum vierten Evangelium. In Catholic Biblical Quarterly
Last modified: 19 November 1997
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