Publications of K. C. Hanson

Sea of Galilee
from the northern shore
K. C. Hanson © 1987




(NB: While I have edited numerous works for Fortress Press and Wipf and Stock Publishers,
I am the editor of record for the following volumes.

        "Jesus and the Social Bandits."
                    In The Social Setting of Jesus and the Gospels,
                    edited by Wolfgang Stegemann, Bruce J. Malina, and Gerd Theissen, 283-300.
                    Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2002.

               Italian edition:
                    "Gesù e il banditismo sociale."
                    In Il nuovo Gesù storico,
                    edited by Wolfgang Stegemann, Bruce J. Malina, and Gerd Theissen, 165-79.
                    Introduzione allo studio della Bibbia, Supplementi 28.
                    Brescia, Italy: Paideia, 2006.

               German edition:
                    "Jesus und die 'Freubeuter': Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Studie."
                    In Jesus in neuen Kontexten,
                    edited by Wolfgang Stegemann, Bruce J. Malina, and Gerd Theissen, 123-34.
                    Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2002.

        "Progress Orientation."
                    In Handbook of Biblical Social Values,
                    edited by John J. Pilch and Bruce J. Malina, 161-66.
                    Rev. ed. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1998.

        "The Galilean Fishing Economy and the Jesus Tradition."
                    Biblical Theology Bulletin 27 (1997) ) 99-111.

        "Sin, Purification, and Group Process."
                    In Problems in Biblical Theology: Essays in Honor of Rolf Knierim,
                    edited by Henry T. C. Sun et al., 167-91.
                    Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997. Reprinted, Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2011.

        "When the King Crosses the Line:
                    Royal Deviance and Restitution in Levantine Ideologies."
                    Biblical Theology Bulletin 26 (1996) 11-25.

                    In The Social Sciences and New Testament Interpretation,
                    edited by Richard L. Rohrbaugh, 62-79.
                    Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1996.

        "Greco-Roman Studies and the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible:
                    A Classified Periodical Bibliography (1970—1994)."
                    Forum 9.1-2 (1996) 63-119.
                   [NB: the date on the cover is 1993]

        "How Honorable! How Shameful!
                    A Cultural Analysis of Matthew's Makarisms and Reproaches."
                   Semeia 68 (1996) 83-114. [NB: the date on the cover is 1994]

        "Transformed on the Mountain:
                    Ritual Transformation and the Gospel of Matthew."
                   Semeia 67 (1995) 147-70. [NB: the date on the cover is 1994]

        "BTB Reader's Guide to Kinship."
                   Biblical Theology Bulletin 24 (1994) 183-94.

        "Blood and Purity in Leviticus and Revelation."
                   Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture 28 (1993) 215-30.

        "Progress Orientation."
                    In Biblical Social Values and Their Meaning: A Handbook, 142-47.
                    J. J. Pilch and B. J. Malina, eds. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1993.

        "The Herodians and Mediterranean Kinship. Part 3: Economics."
                   Biblical Theology Bulletin 20 (1990) 10-21.

        "The Herodians and Mediterranean Kinship. Part 2: Marriage and Divorce."
                   Biblical Theology Bulletin 19 (1989) 142-51.

        "The Herodians and Mediterranean Kinship. Part 1: Genealogy and Descent."
                   Biblical Theology Bulletin 19 (1989) 75-84.

        Articles in The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Vol. 4.
                   G. W. Bromiley, ed. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988.
                      "Right Hand." 4:191
                      "Servant, Slave." 4:419-21 (with S. Scott Bartchy)
                      "Slavery." 4:539-46 (with S. Scott Bartchy)
                      "Standard." 4:610-11
                      "Tabeel." 4:697
                      "Tirathites." 4:859


        "Jesus and the Social Bandits."
                   Paper delivered at The Fourth International Context Group Meeting;
                   Tutzing, Germany; June 1999.

        "The Galilean Fishing Economy and the Jesus Tradition."
                   Paper delivered at The Third International Context Group Meeting;
                   Prague, Czech Republic; June 1997.

        "Jesus and Social Bandits."
                   Paper delivered at The Context Group Annual Meeting;
                   Portland, Oregon; March 1997.

        "Consulting a Dead Mediterranean Prophet (1 Samuel 28 and Odyssey 10—12)."
                   Paper delivered at The Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting
                   (Hebrew Scriptures and Cognate Literature Section);
                   New Orleans, Louisiana; November 1996.

        Panel discussion on Malina and Neyrey, Portraits of Paul
                   at The Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting
                   (Social Sciences and New Testament Interpretation Section);
                   New Orleans, Louisiana; November 1996.

        "Review of the Literature on Network Analysis."
                   Presentation at The Catholic Biblical Association Annual Meeting
                   (Social Sciences and New Testament Interpretation Taskforce);
                   St. Paul, Minnesota; August 1996.

        "The Economy of Galilean Fishing and the Jesus Tradition."
                   Paper delivered at The Context Group Annual Meeting;
                   Portland, Oregon; March 1996.

        "When the King Crosses the Line"
                   Paper delivered at The Context Group Annual Meeting;
                   Portland, Oregon; March 1995.

        "From a Different Vantage Point: An Assessment of Social-Science
                   Interpretation of the Bible."
                   Part of a panel discussion reviewing
                   The Social World of Luke-Acts: Models for Interpretation
                   at The Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting
                   (Social Sciences and New Testament Interpretation Taskforce);
                   Kansas City, Missouri; November 1991.

        "Inadvertent Sin and Its Consequences: A Social Analysis."
                   Paper delivered at The Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting
                   (Social Sciences and New Testament Interpretation Taskforce);
                   New Orleans, Louisiana; November 1990.

        "Makarisms & Reproaches."
                   Paper delivered at The Context Group Annual Meeting;
                   Portland, Oregon; March 1989.

        "Kinship and the Herodian Family."
                   Presentation at The Catholic Biblical Association Annual Meeting
                   (Social Sciences and New Testament Interpretation Taskforce);
                   Syracuse, New York; August 1986.


        Review of William Arnal and Michel Desjardins, editors, Whose Historical Jesus? Toronto Journal of Theology (1998).

        Review of Richard A. Horsley, Galilee: History, Politics, Society. Catholic Biblical Quarterly (1998).

        Review of John H. Elliott, What is Social-Scientific Criticism? (Guides to Biblical Scholarship, 1993). Interpretation 50 (1996) 85-86.

        Review of Victor H. Matthews and Don C. Benjamin, Social World of Ancient Israel 1250-587 BCE (1993). Catholic Biblical Quarterly 57 (1995) 355-57.

        Review of Bruce J. Malina, Windows on the World of Jesus. Time Travel to Ancient Judea (1993). Biblical Theology Bulletin 25 (1995) 45.

        Review of Sallie McFague, The Body of God: An Ecological Theology (1993). Religion and Society Newsletter 4.1 (1995) 4.

        Review of David J. A. Clines and Tamara C. Eskenazi (editors), Telling Queen Michal's Story. An Experiment in Comparative Interpretation (1992). Catholic Biblical Quarterly 56 (1994) 175-77.

        Review of Steven L. McKenzie and Stephen R. Hayes, eds., To Each Its Own Meaning: An Introduction to Biblical Criticisms and Their Applications (1993). Biblical Theology Bulletin 24 (1994) 144-45.

        Review of Jeffrey A. Fager, Land Tenure and the Biblical Jubilee: Uncovering Hebrew Ethics through the Sociology of Knowledge (1993). Biblical Theology Bulletin 24 (1994) 195.

        Review of Margaret Barker, The Formation of the Christian Scriptures (1988). Virginia Seminary Journal 44 (1992) 66-67.

        Review of Max E. Polley, Amos and the Davidic Empire. A Socio-Historical Approach (1989). Catholic Biblical Quarterly 53 (1991) 682-83.

        Review of Erhard S. Gerstenberger, Psalms Part 1; With an Introduction to Cultic Poetry (1988). Biblical Theology Bulletin 20 (1990) 38-39.

        Review of Margaret Barker, The Older Testament. The Survival of Themes from the Ancient Royal Cult in Sectarian Judaism and Early Christianity (1987). Interpretation 43 (1989) 196-97.

        Review of Gene M. Tucker, et al., eds., Canon, Theology, and Old Testament Interpretation: Essays in Honor of Brevard S. Childs (1988). Biblical Theology Bulletin 19 (1989) 157-58.

        Review of Richard A. Horsley, The Spiral of Violence. Popular Resistance in Roman Palestine (1987). In Biblical Theology Bulletin 18 (1988) 115-16.

                  Last modified: 12 September 2016

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