Endorsements of . . .

K. C. Hanson and Douglas E. Oakman

Palestine in the Time of Jesus:
Social Structures and
Social Conflicts

"This book has been admirably conceived and developed to assist the ordinary Bible reader in narrowing the cultural distance between th world of Jesus and our own. Both authors are expert teachers, proven researchers, and clear articulators of what they know so well: the society of Palestine in the time of Jesus, its social institutions, cultural values, daily experiences, and elite and non-elite approaches to the God of Israel. A careful reading will . . . make the pages of the Gospels come alive . . ."

Bruce J. Malina, Creighton University
author of The New Testament World (3rd ed., 2001)

"The first edition of this classic was already a handy tool for learning that combines social models with material evidence of the world of Jesus. I have used it and will continue to use it for classes on New Testament and Social World. Now with expanded chapters, reading guides, and bibliographies, and with clearer highlighting of key terms and thoughtful responses to earlier critiques, the classic is better than ever."

Carolyn Osiek, Brite Divinity School
author of What Are they Saying about the Social Setting of the New Testament?

"K. C. Hanson and Doug Oakman are terrific cross-cultural guides to first-century Palestine—its kinship patterns, political power, economic configurations, and religious dynamics. Their book sparkles with insights illuminating life in ancient Israel and the teachings of Jesus. I used the first edition in class to great benefit. The second edition has made this outstanding book even more user-friendly—updated, with charts and diagrams, models, illustrative examples, telling quotations, questions for reflection, glossaries, and references for further reading. Teachers, students, pastors, and the general reader will find this fascinating and award-winning book to be an indispensible resource for many years to come."

David Rhoads, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
author of The Challenge of Diversity: The Witness of Paul and the Gospels

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