Douglas E. Oakman
Publications 1977—2008

Pacific Lutheran University
Tacoma, Washington

(Edited by Dr. K. C. Hanson)



    “Culture, Society, and Embedded Religion in Antiquity.” Biblical Theology Bulletin 35 (2005) 4–12.

    "The Promise of Lutheran Biblical Studies." Currents in Theology and Mission 3.1 (2004) 40-52.

    “The Radical Jesus: You Cannot Serve God and Mammon.” Biblical Theology Bulletin 34 (2004) 122–29.

    "Marginality in the Biblical Witness." Prism: Pacific Lutheran University Humanities Magazine 10 (Spring 1997).

    "The Humanities in the Information Age: Educating for Virtuous or Virtual Reality?" Prism: Pacific Lutheran University Humanities Magazine 7.1-2 (Spring 1994).

    "The Ancient Economy and St. John's Apocalypse." Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture 28 (1993) 200-14.

    "Cursing Fig Trees and Robbers' Dens (Mark 11:12-25): Pronouncement Stories Within Social-Systemic Perspective." Semeia 64 (1993).

    "Was Jesus a Peasant? Implications for Reading the Samaritan Story (Luke 10:30-35)." Biblical Theology Bulletin 22 (1992) 117-25.

    "The Ancient Economy in the Bible: BTB Readers Guide." Biblical Theology Bulletin 21 (1991) 34-39.

    "Rulers' Houses, Thieves, and Usurpers: The Beelzebul Pericope." Forum 4,3 (1989) 109-23.

    "The Buying Power of Two Denarii: A Comment on Luke 10:35." Forum 3,4 (1987) 33-38.


    “Batteries of Power: Coinage in the Judean Temple System.” In In Other Words: Essays on Social Science Methods and the New Testament in Honor of Jerome H. Neyrey, edited by Anselm C. Hagedorn, Zeba A. Crook, and Eric Stewart, 171–85. Social World of Biblical Antiquity 1. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2007.

    “Biblical Hermeneutics: Marcion’s Truth and a Developmental Perspective.” Ancient Israel: The Old Testament in Its Social Context, edited by Philip F. Esler, 267–82. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2006.

    “Il denaro nell’ universo etico del Nuovo Testamento.” In Il nuovo Gesù storico, edited by Wolfgang Stegemann, Bruce J. Malina, and Gerd Theissen, 203–15. Introduzione allo studio della Bibbia, Supplementi 28. Brescia: Paideia, 2006.

    “The Radical Jesus: You Cannot Serve God and Mammon.” From Biblical Interpretation to Human Transformation: Reopening the Past to Actualize New Possibilities for the Future. A Festschrift Honoring Herman C. Waetjen, 218–30. Salem, OR: Chora-Strangers, 2006.

    “Das Verhältnis von Kultur, Gesellschaft und ‘eingebetteter’ Religion in der Antike.” In Was Begegnet Sich im Christlich-Jüdischen Dialog?, edited by Gabriella Gelardini and Peter Schmid, 13–33. Translated by Andrea Haüser. Judentum und Christentum. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2004.

    "Money in the Moral Universe of the New Testament." In The Social Setting of Jesus and the Gospels, edited by Wolfgang Stegemann, Bruce J. Malina, and Gerd Theissen, 335-48. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2002.

    “Models and Archaeology in the Social Interpretation of Jesus.” In Social-Scientific Models for Interpreting the Bible: Essays by the Context Group in Honor of Bruce J. Malina, edited by John J. Pilch, 102–31. Biblical Interpretation Series 53. Leiden: Brill, 2001.

    “Economics of Palestine.” In Dictionary of New Testament Background, edited by Craig A. Evans and Stanley E. Porter, 303–8. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2000.

    “Galilee.” In The Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, edited by David Noel Freedman and Allen C. Myers, 478–80. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000.

    "The Lord's Prayer in Social Perspective." In Authenticating the Words of Jesus, edited by Bruce D. Chilton and Craig A. Evans, 137-86. NTTS 28.1. Leiden: Brill, 1999.

    "Galilee." In Eerdmans Bible Dictionary, edited by David Noel Freedman and Allen C. Myers, 478-80. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998.

    "The Ancient Economy." In The Social Sciences and New Testament Interpretation, 126-43. R. L. Rohrbaugh, ed. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1996.

    "The Archaeology of First-Century Galilee and the Social Interpretation of the Historical Jesus." In SBL 1994 Seminar Papers, 220-51. Atlanta: Scholars, 1994.

    Articles in Biblical Social Values and Their Meaning: A Handbook. J. J. Pilch and B. J. Malina, eds. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1993:
      "Purposiveness/End Orientation" (153-55)
      "Self-sufficiency" (159-60)

    "The Countryside in Luke-Acts." In The Social World of Luke-Acts, edited by J. H. Neyrey, 151-79. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1991.

    "Jesus and Agrarian Palestine: The Factor of Debt." In SBL 1985 Seminar Papers, 57-73. Chico, CA: Scholars, 1985.


    Review of: Stephen Engstrom and Jennifer Whiting, Aristotle, Kant, and the Stoics: Rethinking Happiness and Duty. In Religious Studies Review (forthcoming).

    Review of: Günter Stemberger, Jewish Contemporaries of Jesus. In Catholic Biblical Quarterly (forthcoming).

    Review of: Philip F. Esler, Modelling Early Christianity: Social-Scientific Studies of the New Testament in Its Context. In Toronto Journal of Theology (forthcoming).

    Review of: M. R. Wright, Cosmology in Antiquity. In Religious Studies Review 23 (1997):??.

    Review of: John H. Elliott, What Is Social-Scientific Criticism? In Biblical Theology Bulletin 26 (1996):??.

    Review of: K. J. Dover, Greek Popular Morality in the Time of Plato and Aristotle. In Religious Studies Review 22 (1996):??.

    Review of: B. Inwood and L. P. Gerson, Epicurus Reader. In Religious Studies Review 21 (1995):??.

    Review of: William James Booth, Households: The Moral Architecture of Economy. In Religious Studies Review 21 (1995):??.

    Review of: Bruce Malina and Richard Rohrbaugh, Social-Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels. In Toronto Journal of Theology 10 (1994):??.

    Review of: Jonathan Price, Jerusalem Under Siege: The Collapse of the Jewish State 66-70 C.E. In Religious Studies Review 20 (1994):??.

    "Review of: Piet van Staden, Compassion—The Essence of Life (Periodical Section of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika, 1991) in Skrif en Kerk 14,1 (1993):??.

    Review of: David Fiensy, The Social History of Palestine in the Herodian Period. In Religious Studies Review 19 (1993):??.

    Review of: David Gowler, Host, Guest, Enemy, and Friend: Portraits of the Pharisees in Luke and Acts. In Toronto Journal of Theology (1993):??.

    Review of: Ramsay MacMullen and Eugene Lane, Paganism and Christianity 100-425 C.E.: A Sourcebook. In Religious Studies Review 19 (1993):??.

    Review of: John Dillon and Jackson Hershbell, Iamblichus, On the Pythagorean Way of Life: Text, Translation, and Notes. In Religious Studies Review 19 (1993):??.

    Review of: Tim Parkin, Demography and Roman Society. In Religious Studies Review 19 (1993):??.

    Review of: Fritz Herrenbr?ck, Jesus und die Zöllner. In Catholic Biblical Quarterly 55 (1993):??.

    Review of: Helmut Schwier, Tempel und Tempelzerstörung. In Catholic Biblical Quarterly 54 (1992):??.

    Review of: Robert B. Coote and Mary P. Coote, Power, Politics, and the Making of the Bible: An Introduction. In Biblical Theology Bulletin 21 (1991):??.

    Review of: Mark Griffith and Donald Mastronarde, Cabinet of the Muses: Essays on Classical and Comparative Literature in Honor of Thomas G. Rosenmeyer." In Religious Studies Review 17 (1991):??.

    Review of: Gerd Theissen, Lokalkolorit und Zeitgeschichte in den Evangelien. In Catholic Biblical Quarterly 53 (1991):??.

    Review of: G. E. R. Lloyd, Demystifying Mentalities. In Religious Studies Review 20 (1991):??.

    Review of: Josiah Ober, Mass and Elite in Democratic Athens. In Religious Studies Review 17 (1991):??.

    Review of: John Alexander, Your Money or Your Life: A New Look at Jesus' View of Wealth and Power and Redmond Mullin, The Wealth of Christians. In Pacific Theological Review 24 (1991):??.

    Review of: Halvor Moxnes, The Economy of the Kingdom: Social Conflict and Economic Relations in Luke's Gospel. In Biblical Theology Bulletin 20 (1990):??.

    Review of: Martin Goodman, State and Society in Roman Galilee, A.D. 132-212. In Pacific Theological Review 19 (1986):??.

    Review of: G. E. M. de Ste. Croix, The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World and John D. Crossan, The Aphorisms of Jesus. In Pacific Theological Review 18 (1984):??.

    Review of: Robert Hammerton-Kelly, God the Father and Richard Lischer, Marx and Teilhard: Two Ways to a New Humanity (Orbis, 1979) in Currents in Theology and Mission 8,1 (1981):??.

    Review of: Brian Hebblethwaite, Evil, Suffering and Religion. In Currents in Theology and Mission 4,4 (1977):??.

Last modified: 12 January 2012

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