Richard L. Rohrbaugh
Publications 19781997
Lewis and Clark College
Portland, Oregon
(Edited by Dr. K. C. Hanson)
(With Bruce J. Malina). Social Science
Commentary on the Gospel of John. Minneapolis: Fortress (forthcoming,
March 1998).
Editor. Using the Social Sciences in New
Testament Interpretation. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1996.
(With Bruce J. Malina). Social Science
Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels. Minneapolis: Fortress,
Interpretation: An Introduction to the Study of
the Bible. Pittsburgh: Creative Edge Publications, 1985.
The Biblical Interpreter: An Agrarian Bible in
an Industrial World. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1978.
Une Bible Agraire Pour Un Monde Industrial.
Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 1981.
(With Bruce J. Malina). Los evangelicos
sinópticos y la cultura mediterránea del siglo I: Comentario desde las
ciencias sociales. Estella [Navarra], España: EVD, 1996.
"Autobiographical Criticism: A Social-Scientific
Response." Semeia 72 (1995):247-58.
"Social Science and Literary Criticism: What is at
Stake?" Hervormde Teologiese Studies 49.1 (1993):221-233.
"The Social Location of the Markan Audience."
Interpretation 47 (1993):380-95.
"The Social Location of the Markan Audience."
Biblical Theology Bulletin 23 (1993):114-27.
"A Peasant Reading of the Parable of the Talents:
A Text of Terror?" Biblical Theology Bulletin 23 (1993):32-39.
"The City in the Second Testament: A Reader's
Guide." Biblical Theology Bulletin 21 (1991):67-75.
"The Patronage System in Roman Palestine." The
Fourth R 3,1 (January, 1990):??.
"Models and Muddles." Forum 3,2
"'Social Location of Thought' as a Heuristic
Device in New Testament Interpretation." Journal for the Study of the
New Testament 30 (1987):103-19.
"Methodological Considerations in the Debate over
the Social Class Status of Early Christians." Journal of the American
Academy of Religion 52 (1984):519-46.
"The Gospel of John in the Twenty-First Century."
In Readers and Readings of the Fourth Gospel. F. Segovia,
ed. SBL Symposium Series. Atlanta: Scholars Press (forthcoming
"A Dysfunctional Family and its Neighbors: Luke
15:11-32." In Perspectives on the Parables: Images of Jesus in his
Contemporary Setting. V. G. Shillington, ed. Edinburgh: T & T Clark,
"Legitimating Sonship: A Test of Honor: A Social
Science Study of Luke 4:1-30." In Modelling Early Christianity:
Social-scientific studies of the New Testament in its context, 183-97.
P. F. Esler, ed. London: Routledge, 1995.
"Agrarian Society." In Biblical Social Values
and their Meaning: A Handbook, 4-7. J. J. Pilch and B. J. Malina, eds.
Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1993.
"Peasants." In Biblical Social Values and their
Meaning: A Handbook, 137-38. J. J. Pilch and B. J. Malina, eds.
Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1993.
"The Pre-Industrial City in Luke-Acts: Urban
Social Relations." In The Social World of Luke-Acts: Models for
Interpretation, 125-49. J. H. Neyrey, ed. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson,
Last modified: 15 November 1997
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