Bibliography of Walter Burkert
Prepared by Dr. K. C. Hanson
BOOKS (German & French Editions)
1990 Antike Mysterien: Funktionen und Gehalt.
Munich: C. H. Beck.
1990 Hérodotus et les peuples non grecs: neuf exposés
suivi de discussions. Entretiens sur l'antiquite classique 35. Vandoeuvres-Genève:
Fondation Hardt.
1984 Die orientalisierende Periode der griechischen Religion und Literatur
. Heidelberg: Winter.
1977 Griechische Religion der archaischen und klassischen Epoche
. Die Religion der Menschheit 15. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
1972 Homo Necans: Interpretationen altgriechischer Opferriten und
Mythen. Religionseschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten 32. Berlin:
de Gruyter.
1962 Weisheit und Wissenschaft. Studien zu Pythagoras, Philolaos und
Platon. Erlanger Beiträge zur Sprach- und Kunstwissenschaft
10. Nurenberg: Carl.
BOOKS (English Editions)
1996 Creation of the Sacred: Tracks of Biology in Early Religions
. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press.
1992 The Orientalizing Revolution: Near Eastern Influence on Greek
Culture in the Early Archaic Age. Translated by M. E. Pinder and
W. Burkert. Revealing Antiquity 5. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press.
1987 Ancient Mystery Cults. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press.
1985 Greek Religion. J. Raffan, trans. Cambridge: Harvard
Univ. Press.
1983 Homo Necans: The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual
and Myth. Translated by P. Bing. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
1979 Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual.
Sather Classical Lectures 47. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
1972 Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism. Translated
by E. L. Minar, Jr. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press.
1978 "Killing in Sacrifice: A Reply [to Bruno Dumbrowski]." Numen
1973 "Von Amenophis II zur Bogenprobe des Odysseus." Graz Beiträge
1972 "Buzyge und Palladion: Gewalt und Gericht in altgriechischem Ritual."
Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte
1968 "Orpheus und die Vorsokratiker. Bemerkungen zum Derveni-Papyrus und
zur pythagoreischen Zahlenlehre." Antike und Abendland
1966 "Greek Tragedy and Sacrificial Ritual." Greek, Roman, and Byzantine
Studies 7:87-121.
1961 "Hellenistische Pseudopythagorica." Philologus
1995 "Der geheime Reiz des Verborgenen: Antike Mysterienkulte." In
Secrecy and Concealment: Studies in the History of Mediterranean and Near
Eastern Religions, 79-100. Studies in the History of Religions,
65. Leiden: Brill.
1995 "Lydia Between East and West or How to Date the Trojan War: A Study
in Herodotus." In The Ages of Homer: A Tribute to Emily Townsend Vermeule.
Edited by J. Carter, et al., 139-48. Austin: Univ. of Texas Press.
1994 "Griechische Hymnoi." In Hymnen der Alten Welt im Kulturvergleich.
Edited by W. Burkert and F. Stolz, 9-17. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis
131. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Rupprecht.
1993 "Bacchic Teletai in the Hellenistic Age." In Masks of
Dionysus. Edited by T. H. Carpenter and C. A. Faraone, 259-75. Myth
and Poetics. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press.
1993 "Lescha-liskah: Sakrale Gastlichkeit zwischen Palästina und Griechenland."
In Religionsgeschichtliche Beziehungen zwischen Kleinasien, Nordsyrien
und dem Alten Testament: Internationale Symposion Hamburg, 17-21 Marz 1990.
Edited by B. Janowski, et al., 19-38. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 129.
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Rupprecht.
1992 "Athenian Cults and Festivals." In Cambridge Ancient History
. Vol. 5: The Fifth Century BC, 245-67. 2nd ed. Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Press.
1992 "La Religione Greca." In Introduzione alle Culture Antiche
, vol. 3, 137-71. Translated by F. Bertolini. Edited by M. Vegetti, ed.
1991 "Homer's Anthropomorphism: Narrative and Ritual." In New Perspectives
in Early Greek Art. Edited by D. Buitron-Oliver, 81-91. Washington,
DC: National Gallery of Art. .
1991 "Homerstudien und Orient." In Zweihundert Jahre Homer-Forschung:
Rückblick und Ausblick. Edited by J. Latacz, 155-81. Colloquia
Raurica 2. Stuttgart: Teubner.
1988 "The Meaning and Function of the Temple in Classical Greece." In
Temple in Society. Edited by M. V. Fox, 27-47. Winona Lake, Ind.:
1988 "Sacrificio-sacrilegio: il Trickster fondatore." In Sacrificio
e societa' nel mondo antico. Edited by C. Grottanelli, 163-75.
Bari, Italy: Laterza, 1988. [orig. pub. in Studi Storici 25 (1984)]
1987 "Offerings in Perspective: Surrender, Distribution, Exchange." In
Gifts to the Gods: Proceedings of the Uppsala Symposium, 1985.
Edited by T. Linders and G. Nordquist, 43-50. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis:
Boreas 15. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet.
1987 "Oriental and Greek Mythology: The Meeting of Parallels." In
Interpretations of Greek Mythology. Edited by J. Bremmer, 10-40.
London: Croom Helm.
1986 "Krieg, Sieg und die Olmpischen Götter der Griechen." In
Religion zu Krieg und Frieden. Edited by F. Stolz, 67-87. Zurich:
Theologischer Verlag.
1985 "Griechische Religion." In Theologische Realenzyklopädie
14:235-53. Edited by G. Müller. Berlin: de Gruyter.
1983 "Apokalyptik im frühen Griechentum: Impulse und Transformationen."
In Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean World and the Near East.
Edited by D. Hellholm, 235-54. Tübingen: Mohr/Siebeck.
1983 "Itinerant Diviners and Magicians: A Neglected Element in Cultural
Contacts." In The Greek Renaissance of the Eighth Century B.C.: Tradition
and Innovation. Edited by R. Hägg, 115-19. Stockholm: Aströms.
1983 "Oriental Myth and Literature in the Iliad." In The Greek Renaissance
of the Eighth Century B.C.: Tradition and Innovation. Edited by
R. Hägg, 51-56. Stockholm: Paul Aström.
1982 "Craft versus Sect: The Problem of the Orphics and Pythagoreans."
In Jewish and Christian Self-Definition. Vol 3: Self-Definition
in the Graeco-Roman World. Edited by B. F. Meyer and E. P. Sanders,
1-22, 183-89. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983.
1982 "Literarische Texte und funtionaler Mythos Istar und Athrahasis."
In Funktionen und Leistungen des Mythos: Drei Altorientalische Beispiele.
Edited by J. Assmann, et al., 63-82. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 48.
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Rupprecht.
1981 "Glaube und Verhalten: Zeichengehalt und Wirkungsmacht von Opferritualen."
In Le Sacrifice dans l'Antiquité. Edited by J. Rudhardt
and O. Reverdin, 91-125. Entretiens sur l'Antiquite Classique 27. Geneva:
1981 "Seven Against Thebes: An Oral Tradition between Babylonian Magic
and Greek Literature." In I poemi epici rapsodici non omerici e la
tradizione orale. Edited by C. Brillante, et al., 29-48. Padua:
1980 "Neue Funde zur Orphik." In Informationen zum altsprachlichen
Unterricht, 27-42. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Klassischer Philologen beim
Landesschulrat für Steiermark, 2.
1979 "Kynaithos, Polycrates, and the Homeric Hymn to Apollo." In
Arktouros: Hellenic Studies Presented to Bernard M. W. Knox on the Occasion
of His 65th Birthday. Edited by G. Bowersock, et al., 53-62. Berlin:
de Gruyter.
1977 "Le Mythe de Geryon: Perspectives Préhistoriques et tradition
rituelle." In Il Mito Greco: Atti del Convegno Internazionale.
Edited by B. Gentili and G. Paioni, 273-83. Quaderni: Urbinati di Cultre
Classica. Rome: dell'Ateneo e Bizzarri.
1977 "Orphism and Bacchic Mysteries: New Evidence and Old Problems of Interpretation."
In Protocol of the 28th Colloquy of the Center for Hermeneutical Studies
in Hellenistic and Modern Culture. Edited by W. Wuellner. Berkeley:
Center for Hermeneutical Studies in Hellenistic and Modern Culture.
1976 "Opfertypen und Antike Gesellschaftsstruktur." In Der Religionswandel
Unserer Zeit im Spiegel der Religionswissenschaft. Edited by G. Stephenson,
168-87. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
1975 "Le laminette auree: da Orfeo a Lampone." In Orfismo in Magna
Grecia, Atti del Quattordicesimo Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia
, 81-104. Naples: Arte Tipografica.
1989 "Review of Dominic J. O'Meara, Pythagoras Revived." Freiburger
Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie 38:502-6.
1988 "Review of G. S. Gasparro, Misteri e culti mistici di Demetra
." History of Religions 28:161-63.
1974 "Review of G. Zuntz, Persephone." Gnomon
Last modified: 3 June 2002
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